Thursday, January 29, 2015

no tanks

I wonder what the herald of spring will be in New York.  What will be the first sign of life to peek out of the icy Earth and will I even notice it in this urban landscape? 

Negotiations continue for the Pool House on School House.  An old and buried fuel oil tank is making things difficult.  But I want this farm.  I ache for the solitude of the country and the waters and woods and the channery soil in which I'm dying to play.  I'm having complex shiitake farming fantasies. 

Spring cannot come soon enough.

We've begun assembling the LEGO Parisian Restaurant that Tristan received from Santa for Christmas.  I especially appreciate the realistic inclusion of rats. 

We cannot get enough of this amazing cheese shop in Hudson.  This morning we had their candied Seckel pears and Stilton for breakfast.  No words.

In April we'll be going to California because if we don't do it soon I'm afraid it won't happen until next winter and it's already been too long.  We'll see Mastodon in Oakland at the Fox Theater, which was derelict and forsaken when I passed it almost daily, in what now seems like another life.  Then onto Iowa to excavate my most beloved plants from their backyard environs, pot them up and chauffeur them to their new home in New York.  I hope they take root.  I hope we do.

And then we'll see Mastodon again in Central Park. 

Because why not?  Honestly?

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