Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hudson, NY

We live in New York now.  I am still unpacking.  Tristan is still being babysat by YouTube and the kind folks that create and upload LEGO instructional videos.  My thighs hurt from traversing the rough terrain of my apartment floor.  I love the floor; it really is beautiful and has tremendous character, but my goodness. 

A few things I've learned during this move:

1)  label the box in which you've packed your underwear
2)  don't bother transporting sweet potatoes across the country in freezing weather
3)  ask about the number of drawers in the kitchen before signing anything

There is a great bakery just down the street.  I'll probably be 200 pounds and diabetic in a month.

If anyone knows the answer to the problem of heavy mirrors + brick walls, please share.

An evening with Machine Head at Irving Plaza is sold out GODDAMNIT!!!  Poor Tristan. 

Don't we all.

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