Thursday, November 6, 2014

More memories from other Octobers..

The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum is one of our favorite places.  I can't remember anymore when we first visited, but Tristan was very little and we were accompanied by his aunt, Dixie.  Most of the photos from that occasion have been lost, thanks to a hard drive failure and I suppose my own failure to back up those files.  I did scrounge up some shots from 2011 today, behold the willow castle...

This particular year we were also attending a wedding that same day, hence Tristan's semi-formal attire.  Here's the happy couple...

Some more scarecrows at the Arboretum...

 This series of three (from this October, actually) was curated by Tristan himself...

...and I am not entirely sure what's happening here, either...

What IS happening here?  Seriously.

This is the best hanging basket arrangement I think I've ever seen...

...and this is probably the best selfie ever taken by a seven-year-old.

I love you, Tristan.

Moving onto other random October memories -- when Tristan was born my friend Simone knit him a pumpkin hat and I believe matching booties (although I can present no photographic evidence of the latter).   

Huge postpartum Marianne, drooling 1-month old Tristan, awesome burning bush.

Bees, bats and adorable hats...

Goodbye for now from the pumpkin house.


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